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June 04, 2024

In this PDF, you can see the boldface lies of Billy Carson for yourself.

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February 19, 2024
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Blog: Are you immortal?
Published: Oct. 3, 2023

"The last enemy to be eliminated is death."1 Corinthians 15:26

If energy cannot be created, how did the big bang occur? How did energy come to existence? Some of the smartest PhDs in all realms of belief (religious, agnostic, etc.) have acknowledged intelligent design as the only answer that makes sense, since the math of reality is simply too perfect, where a chaotic sequence of randomness could never support human life.

POV's like Buddhists, Hinduism, and Law of Attraction/New Age says everyone is a piece of God, equal to God since "we are God" – and "this life is merely our souls observing existence from a unique lens as a part of a whole"... and when we die, we simply "return back to consciousness, to the source of the universe."

Well, observation is only an attribute of existence (an experience), it's not the underlying essence of your spirit, meaning, it's not what upholds your energy in order to exist. Existence itself is simply connection to source. A connection we were gifted at birth. (Matthew 10:28)

A lot of people are alive today but disconnected to source, they're basically zombies waiting for their finite time to end, and sadly, some think they just turn off back to dirt and nothingness, while others believe in reincarnation or some other type of spiritual wandering which isn't accurate either... you can't exist within God's frequency (Heaven, Space, spiritual realm, etc. which vibrates at a specific tune) if your soul is missing the light from source.

Darkness can never darken the light, but light always brightens the dark–if you're soul is operating at another frequency then you'll end up in the environment that harbors that frequency. (1 John 1:5)

Christians call it Hell, Buddhists call it ‘Naraka’ in Sanskrit, but they each have very different outcomes...Buddhists believe you'll suffer for awhile but then eventually reincarnate. John 3:16 (one of many verses) says that we believe in Him to save ourselves from perishing...and if you do end up in Hell, your suffering is weighed according to your deeds before you perish... (Luke 12:47-48). Some refer to this perspective as the ‘Annihilationist’ or ‘Conditionalist’ view. This interpretation of scripture resonates with me.

In contrast, mainstream Christianity insists that Hell is a place of eternal suffering. I don’t support this view. To me, to ‘perish’ means to cease existing entirely. Poof, vamoose! Your being is gone and is no longer existent! You lose your immortality...

So, you're either connected to Him, or disconnected. In Christianity, it's called "the Vine". We're all branches of this vine. What happens if a branch begins to wither? You can either water it to revive it or cut it off for the sake of the tree, right? That's what happens after you die in this physical life, you're either a weed in the afterlife that needs to be cut off (perish), or you're a fruitful vessel reflecting the portion of God that is allotted to you... we don't know when we die, so that's why knowing our true origin ASAP and honoring our existence accordingly (walking righteously) preserves our souls for the afterlife, otherwise, you forfeit your immortality. (Matthew 13:36-43)

Choose wisely...

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February 19, 2024
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Blog: My Testimony
Published: Feb. 4, 2023

I grew up in a "Christian bubble" (attending church 2-3 days a week, mom sang for the choir, youth group retreats, etc.) and dropped my religion when i was about 20 – long story short, "enlightening info" like the documentary "Zeitgeist" made certain claims about Yeshua's story to discredit the authenticity as a copy of other cultural tales (virgin birth and son of god attributed to Egyptian Mythology, etc.) and I believed it...seemed credible enough. That documentary, along with hours of similar content convinced me that Yeshua's story was a mixture of several tales. So for a decade I've always said Yeshua was just a man who "figured it out", like many prophets before him, and then I got super dedicated into the Law of Attraction culture...until 2021 (officially declared myself Christian again on September 9th, 2021, I'll never forget that moment). 

Because of the plandemic, it forced me to get more vigilant with theological truth and doing my own deep dive research (666, the occult/satanism, the early 1st-4th century christian schisms, etc.) – i devoured hours on hours of info from scholars of all POV's (ie. the agnostic Bart Ehrman, or the Christian Dan Wallace, etc.) and read the actual documents from those early centuries like the Four Discourses Against the Arians, Councils of Ariminum and Seleucia, Rowan Williams’ Arius: Heresy and Tradition (Revised Edition), Athanasius Orationes contra Arianos, etc. ( is a great source for docs like this) ––– and from my earnest due diligence, especially reading Isaiah 53, Proverbs 8, Psalms 22 and Romans 8:29 – I've concluded that Yeshua is indeed THE TRUTH!!! I am now a Postmill-Arian-Christian. So much to say to defend Christianity, but I don't want this to get too long so let me wrap this up...bare with me lol 

Some quick info that I found helpful: 
Every scholar from all theological POV's agree unanimously that Yeshua was a real man in history who shook up society in ways the world has never seen before (Bart Ehrman is a great source for this, since even he defends this fact while being an agnostic so he has nothing to gain) 

Why is it that a large majority of the elites of the world, the "Deep State", etc. happen to be satanists or occultists? and they squirm at the name Jesus and try to remove God's law and moral value from pop culture...but yet, they're always cool with Buddha, Muhammad, Vishnu, etc. but when it comes to the name of Yeshua/Jesus and his true message that he is our creator and king of all creation? They vehemently hate anything alluding to Yeshua's title and his true teachings! Huge red flag! (Yeshua's title as Son of God is real) 

Bart Ehrman says: Christianity is the first religion that emphasized BELIEF, rather than WORKS. Pagans and Monotheist cultures (Judaism, Buddhism, Hinduism, Islam etc) all focused on your works for your blessings or "enlightenment", Christianity was revolutionary for focusing on FAITH! So considering what Bart said, in my view, the original Law of Attraction wisdom was from Christianity!!! ––– ie. Whatever you desire, believe you've received it, and it will be yours [Mark 11:24] ––– and now today we see the pop culture using Law of Attraction to confuse people with truth while repackaging the original sin with the "I am God" lie, which is wrong. Yes, yeshua said we're gods (lowercase 'g'), but not how LOA culture teaches it (they imply the uppercase 'G'). 

Isaiah 53, Psalms 22 and Proverbs 8 helped me realize Yeshua truly was destined. 

But i kept wrestling with verses regarding the trinity like Mark 10:18 (“Why do you call me good?” Jesus answered. “No one is good—except God alone.") – keywords: God ALONE. Not three, ONE. Among many many many other verses that prove Yeshua admits to being subordinate to the Father...UNTIL, i learned the TRUTH about a man named "Arius" and what he believed and fought for at the Nicene Creed of 325 AD. His opponents called him a heretic, twisted his words and burned all his books, right? Well here's some food for thought, we wouldn't have Christianity the way it is today without Martin Luther who exposed the corruption of Catholics in the 1500's – that's only 500 years ago...and til this day, Catholics still consider him a "heretic" – so the heretic label is often misleading! 

Arianism (plus Postmillennialism) was the missing exegetical POV that renewed my faith with an exciting passion. 

*Note: if you google Arianism you'll see a lot of misleading info implying that it's insisting "Jesus was not divine since he was not eternal" which is not what Arius taught; and often compares it to Mormanism or Jehova's Witness which is fundamentally wrong. You have to dive deep and read the actual letters/docs from the church elders of those centuries to read the truth. 

If you're interested, see my Arian blog post to read more info on the history of Arianism along with some Apologetic points to support Arius' views here.

Hope my testimony helps...much love!

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February 19, 2024
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Blog: FIAT-to-BTC Anti-volatility Conversion Rate
Published: Nov 14, 2022

A topic I've been thinking about...

Before I explain, if you're unfamiliar with Bitcoin and cryptocurrency, here's a YouTube video breaking down the history of money and currency: Watch Video – and here's a video on how Bitcoin works: Watch Video

Disclaimer: I'm not an economist so my POV or math might be flawed. If you're an economist, please reach out to me if you have some input, critique, or are willing to do a brief video interview as a podcast conversation!

Now, here's my pitch...

It baffles me that we rely on a FIAT-based Market Cap for Bitcoin's value, aren't we supposed to be moving away from the FIAT system with the help of crypto/blockchain tech?

The Lightning Network – a second-layer scaling solution built on top of Bitcoin's blockchain to facilitate faster and cheaper transactions, making Bitcoin more practical for everyday transactions while maintaining its decentralized nature – helped speed up the currency adoption; but it's still reliant on FIAT valuation, which not only suffers from extreme volatility scaring away merchants and providers to accept BTC for payment, but in my opinion, it's not the best way to think about how to use the Bitcoin protocol. We should consider how to utilize the Bitcoin code's protocol to properly trade goods and services with the network's value, measured by the GDP provided by its users, without any reliance on FIAT Market Cap.

Hear me out...

The U.S. abandoned the gold standard in 1971 – so FIAT isn't backed by anything (it's merely digits on a screen) so the volatility in Trade Markets is irrelevant since BTC should be backed by the Bitcoin Network's GDP – not FIAT.

A suggested FIAT-to-BTC "Anti-volatility Conversion Rate":

BTC has a 21M Max Supply ÷ 11B Global Population by the year 2140 (last mined BTC) = 0.0019 BTC per person for equal allocation (0.19% of 1 BTC = 190k Satoshis ––– *excluding lost/irretrievable coins.)

Now the question is, how do we value, price, and trade with "0.0019 BTC per person"?


0.0019 BTC ÷ $10k (median annual income in USA in 1971) = 0.00000019 BTC

This would make market rates for Goods & Services as:

$1 = 0.00000019 BTC

$10 = 0.0000019 BTC

$100 = 0.000019 BTC

$1k = 0.00019 BTC

$10k = 0.0019 BTC

$100k = 0.019 BTC

$1M = 0.19 BTC

$10M = 1.9 BTC

$100M = 19 BTC

Does this conversion rate & overall idea make sense? If so, why aren't we putting thought and energy into perfecting this type of utilization with Bitcoin? Or if this idea is not applicable, why not?

Comment your thoughts below...

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